

We are going to implement a distributed, parallel LDA (latent dirichlet allocation) algorithm for building topic model on large corpus using the OpenMPI library and CUDA parallel programming model. We will parallelize the original sequential algorithm over a cluster of GPUs.


In natural language processing, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a generative statistical model that allows sets of observations to be explained by unobserved groups that explain why some parts of the data are similar. Essentially, LDA is a generative directed graphical model for topic discovery where each document may be viewed as a mixture of various topics generated by Dirichlet prior. Besides, the likelihood of occurrence of words in each document can be well represented by a multinomial distribution. Learning the various distributions is a problem of Bayesian inference, which can be solved Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. In LDA, we choose to use collapsed Gibbs sampling because we have conjugate prior in compound distribution.

Generative process

Documents are represented as random mixtures over latent topics, where each topic is characterized by a distribution over words. LDA assumes the following generative process for a corpus D consisting of M documents each of length Ni.

  1. Choose a multinomial topic distribution θ for the document (according to a Dirichlet distribution Dir(α) over a fixed set of K topics)
  2. Choose a multinomial term distribution φ for the topic (according to a Dirichlet distribution Dir(β) over a fixed set of N terms)
  3. For each word position
    • choose a topic Z according to multinomial topic distribution θ.
    • choose a word W according to multinomial term distribution φ.

Implementation process

Given a set of documents and a fixed topic number K, we want to use LDA to learn the topic representation of each document and the words associated to each topic.


The original algorithm is totally sequential. There are mainly three parts taking up the most computation time so they are what we need to parallelize.

The basic idea is to split the gibbs sampling into different machines and each machine updates their generative distribution models locally. Each machine will treat their local distribution as global distribution, and communicate to exchange their updates for every one or several iterations. This method has these challenges:


We plan to use latedays cluster for testing our system. The latedays cluster supports OpenMPI and CUDA which meets our requirements. The possible problem is that there maybe many other users using this cluster and have influence on our performance.

Goals and Delieverables

Plan to achieve:

Hope to achieve:

Platform choice

As mentioned before, we plan to use latedays clusters.


Dates Planned Goals
4/10-4/16 Prepare dataset; Build banchmark system; Read related papers and make system design
4/17-4/23 Implement distrubted version; Prepare for checkpoint report
4/24-4/30 Implement parallelism on each machine; Implement faster sampling
5/1-5/8 Optimize the results and conduct experiments
5/9-5/12 Prepare for final report


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